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Top 10 Time Saving Tips for the Busy Horse Owner

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

As the nights start to draw in, the daylight becomes more valuable. Gone are the days when you can get up early to ride before hitting the office. Now its time for a head torch and protective workwear to avoid the mud and dirt.

Here are 10 Time Saving Tips for this Autumn

  1. Deep litter your horse's stable to reduce the mucking out time during the week.

  2. Invest in lightweight tools to reduce the strain on your body and to make quick work of heavy tasks.

  3. Attach bright ribbon to essential items like the hoof pick, so you can see them easily.

  4. Buy enough hay nets to see you through the week. Fill them all at the weekend so they are ready.

  5. Invest in a Clipit suit and pop it on to cover your work clothes. Will save you time before going and coming home from work.

  6. Keep the headcollar and rope in the car and go directly to the field instead of going to the yard.

  7. Place a small football in the water trough, so when the water freezes, no need for the hammer.

  8. Place a cotton sheet under the turnout rug to protect against grease and dirt, check daily to make sure it doesn't slip.

  9. No time for riding, then place your horse on the lunge or long reining. This will encourage better balance and control.

  10. Draw up a rota with other members in your yard, so you can have a morning or evening off.

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