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The Ultimate Guide to Bathing Dogs.

Updated: Aug 5, 2024

Grooming techniques are getting ever more sophisticated and we now have numerous coat aids, sprays and shampoos to provide us with the ultimate coat texture. However to get us to the point of the ultimate coat, here is the ultimate guide to bathing dogs, for helping you achieve perfection.

A dog in the bath.
Always wet the coat before applying shampoo

Bathing Dogs - the Wetting Procedure

A dog should be thoroughly wetted before a shampoo is applied. Lift long hair to be certain of getting right down to the roots. Anybody who has has a dreadful hair wash from an inexperienced junior will know how itchy the scalp feels after hair has been insufficiently wetted.

Use a decent shower attachment at all times, with the temperature set to warm (98.6F/38C). Test the water on the delicate underside of your arm, not on your hands which are hardened to the elements.

Start with the head. The dog's ears may need to be protected with cotton wool to prevent water getting into them. Wet down the neck, along the back, and down the left side including the legs. Then repeat on the right side, turning the dog at this stage could encourage him to jump out of the bath. Lastly wet the tail.

Applying Dog Shampoo

Always dilute and never apply neat shampoo.
Wet the coat thoroughly with warm water.

Depending on the shampoo that you are using, you need to dilute the neat solution. The Clipit range of shampoo's dilute at a rate of 25-1, so when the shampoo is ready and mixed with water, massage it into the coat thoroughly, not forgetting the area underneath the chest and stomach, the anal area and the dog's feet. Shampoo is rarely put straight on to the dog without being mixed with a certain amount of water to help distribute it and prevent it from affecting the skin.

Rinse thoroughly, until the coat feels squeaky clean. With experience, you will be able to feel when the coat is clean-it will "squeak" when clean, as human hair does.

Any shampoo left in the coat will cause flaking scurf, felting and intense itching. Clipit shampoos are very mild and hypoallergenic, but still they need rinsing well.

With short-coated breeds that shed a lot, a thorough brushing with a hand grooming glove and the Clipit De-Shed shampoo when in the bath will remove a lot of the dead and moulting hair. The dog will dry smoother and quicker, and the owner will be delighted that far less hair comes out on their carpet.

Some breeds, like the Cockerpoo, Labradoodle, and Lhasapoo, will benefit from having the Clipit Curls shampoo that is designed for curly coats. The best way to enable the tight curls to loosen, is while the dog is in the bath and standing in the shampoo, use your high-velocity blaster. The forced air with help loosen the curls and unwind the coat enough to be brushed and combed out.

The Ultimate Guide to Drying the Dog's Coat.

Water can be removed from the coat while the dog is till in the bath. Squeeze out the excess moisture with absorbent towels, making sure the head is dried first to make the dog comfortable. Continue to work along the body to remove as much moisture as you can. Some breeds will benefit from having water blasted from the coat with a blaster. Do this by placing the dog on the grooming table, with an absorbent towel underneath them to catch the water. With coated breeds, such as the Poodle, it is essential to blow-dry the hair by separating the strands with the aid of a slicker brush and using a power dryer to blow the coat.

Each section must be parted, usually starting from the back foot and working upwards. Blow the hair away from the skin, and do not blow onto the skin.

A dog in. agrooming towel being dried after a bath.
Dry the head first, to make the dog comfortable.

Do not leave wet dogs to dry on their own when it is not warm enough, and never leave coated breeds, such as Poodles and Bearded Collies to dry on their own; their coat needs brushing continuously while being blow-dried.

If you would like more information on How to Control Shedding Hair, please click here

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