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How do you Sterilise Dog Grooming Equipment?

Updated: Jun 21, 2023

The threat to your pet grooming business if your dog grooming equipment is not sterilised properly, is immense. There are real risks that include bacteria and viruses that can spread very quickly from animal to animal, if you do not implement a thorough cleaning and sanitising programme.

But what is the difference between cleaning, sanitising, disinfecting and sterilising, and are you following the right procedure to ensure your dog grooming tools stays safe?

  1. Cleaning and Sanitisation Cleaning is also known as sanitisation and is the first step in infection control. It is classed as a process that removes visible or surface debris from an object or surface. Cleaning or sanitisation does not kill germs (pathogens), they are simply removed.

  2. Disinfecting Disinfection requires the use of a chemical to remove and kill germs. Disinfection is for non-porous implements and surfaces only.

  3. Sterilisation Sterilisation is rarely required or necessary in the professional grooming industry. Sterilisation is the complete destruction of all microbial life. Sterilisation is most frequently done with an autoclave (sterilising unit) that uses heat and pressure to destroy microbes.

What dog grooming equipment should be disinfected?

dog grooming equipment

  1. Clipper blades

  2. Scissors

  3. Tools

  4. Tables

Dog groomers encounter germs on a daily basis. It is not uncommon to see dirty pets with skin disorders on a daily basis, with those pets spreading germs and bacteria through your dog grooming equipment.

What should I use to disinfect my dog grooming equipment?

Because of its effectiveness, a product that contains Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) will both sanitise and disinfect. Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) is widely used in the manufacture of hand sanitisers, aftershaves, lotions and cosmetics. It is a colourless, flammable liquid with a strong odour and is ideal for keeping your dog grooming equipment clean and disinfected. Because of its chemical structure IPA, evaporates quickly and kills bacteria and viruses; and can be used on both clipper blades and scissors.

What products should I use for dog grooming tools for home and when?

Clipit Ice Care Spray: For use on all dog grooming tools for home including clipper blades, scissors, combs, brushes and nail cutters.

Spraying your clipper blades after each use, is a great effective way of disinfecting them without the worry of damaging the coating. This product is great for mobile dog groomers that are travelling from house to house.

This spray will also provide fast disinfection for scissors. Once the scissor is dry, use a microfibre cloth to produce a shiny finish.

Clipit Blade Wash: Over a period of time, clipper blades will get a build-up between the teeth, known as blade plaque. Many groomers do not pay attention to it, but in reality it's something that needs removing.

Blade plaque is made of several things; soap scum, dander, insect eggs and dead skin, and builds up from a foundation of moisture. Blade plaque is a media of food and shelter for bacteria and viruses, and if it is not removed, it will slow down your clipper blade. Blade plaque builds up if your clipper blades are not cleaned properly.

dog grooming tools care

The fast and easiest way to clean clipper blades, is with a toothbrush and blade wash. Emerge your clipper blades into blade wash for about 10 minutes and with a toothbrush, scrub the clipper blade between the teeth of the clipper blade. If you clean your blades properly between dogs or at the end of the day, you won't have a problem with blade plaque.

do's and don't of dog grooming equipment care

To create a clean and safe grooming environment, this is great advice to achieve that goal.

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